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Under the great wave of the 4th industrial revolution, smart technology is becoming ever more important in the precision engineering and manufacturing fields. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing–Smart Technology (IJPEM-ST) is a fully open access, international journal that aims to rapidly disseminate relevant fundamental and applied research works of high quality to international academic and industrial communities. The journal's specific focus areas in the precision engineering and manufacturing fields include, but are not limited to:

Big-data Analytics and Informatics
Sensors, Instrumentation and Process Monitoring
Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)
Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)
Industrial Artificial Intelligence
Digital Twin, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Metaverse
Augmented, Virtual and Extended Reality
Human-Robot Interaction, Augmentation and Collaboration
Autonomous Things

IJPEM-ST covers various kind of papers;
Research Papers, Short communications, Technical briefs, Position papers, Industry case studies, Review Papers and Surveys in Regular or Special Issue.

Volume3 No. 1
Journal Cover1 Journal Cover2
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